Baldor Generators

Baldor units are made for industrial use and consist of towable standby models and industrial portable models as well. These quality power sources are available in everything from 3 to 2000 kw in gasoline, LP, natural gas and diesel gas versions. Baldor is a U.S. company that produces generators for all applications in 26 plants in the U.S., Canada, England, China and Mexico. They have a strong reputation for both new and used gen-sets including emergency standby units, industrial agricultural standby units, liquid cooled and mobile light towers are widely available.



Trailer-Mounted Sound Attenuated Enclosure, Auto Start/Stop, Safety Shut Down, 24 Volt Alternator, Dry Pack Air Cleaner, 2000 Amp Circuit Breaker,



Auto Start/Stop, Safety Shut Down, 12 Volt Alternator, Dry Pack Air Cleaner, 225 Amp Circuit Breaker, Tank Type Block Heater,



This is a very difficult unit to find. 3512C Tier 2 SCR drilling package. Unit can also be packaged with



Trailer-Mounted Sound Attenuated Enclosure, Auto Start/Stop, Safety Shut Down, 24 Volt Alternator, Dry Pack Air Cleaner, 2500 Amp Circuit Breaker,



Compression Ratio of 10.5:1



Trailer mounted 80kva diesel towable genset mounted on DOT trailer with selectable voltage, 80 gallon fuel tank, removable from trailer,



New 25kva diesel generator on DOT trailer with 24 hr fuel tank, voltage selector switch, super-quiet enclosure



Fully packaged with Level 1 Sound Attenuated 150mph wind rated Enclosure, 1000 gallon FDEP sub-base fuel tank UL142, UL2200 listed,



Baldor 175kva diesel generator mounted on a DOT trailer with 24 hour fuel tank, voltage selector switch, super-quiet enclosure



Baldor 275kw stationary diesel genset, 1000A breaker w/ shunt trip, PMG excitation, UL2200 listed, Level 1 sound attenuated, aluminum enclosure,

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