John Deere generators are among the most reputable, efficient and reliable in the United States. The Deere & Company business has been around since 1804 and has been providing power sources to over 27 countries all over the world. John Deere manufactures agriculture/ commercial generators as well as portable units for residential use. These machines have a fast response rate, are reliable and have a high fuel efficiency.
Price Reduced!!! New/Used John Deere Diesel Engine. Engine was in a 230KW Katolight Generator. Injection pump failed,customer had engine replaced.
100 KW SDMO Diesel, John Deere/Newage end, Sound Attenuated, 90 Gallon Internal Fuel Tank, 3 ph, 208v, 12 Lead Reconnectable,
Description : Engine: John Deere, model 6125AF001, 402 hp, 1800 RPM, 233 Hrs, Radiator Cooled, Electric Starter, Weather Proof Enclosure,
John Deere Marine GenSets: (2) Model 4045T – 65kw – $3,500 each (1) Model 4045 – 65kw – $2,750 each
Broadcrown/John Deere engine/generator. Engine model #4039TF. Sound Attenuated, 8hr SW base tank